Rules of Procedure of the Thuringian Student Council Conference

in the version first adopted on December 8, 2024 valid from December 9, 2024


This is a translation of the original text. Only the German version of this regulation is legally binding.

§ 1 – Reporting of Delegates by the Member

Should there be any changes regarding the delegates, these must be communicated immediately by the board or by the relevant authorized representatives of the sending StuRa or the relevant student body representation to the spokespersons of the KTS by email (, stating the name and email address.

§ 2 – Invitation to the Delegate Assembly

  1. Meetings of the Assembly of Delegates usually take place every calendar month during the lecture period. These and any other dates should be announced to the delegates and the boards of the individual members (according to § 2 KTS Rules) or their student representatives at least two weeks before the meeting.

  2. The invitation is issued by the spokesperson or, in the absence of a spokesperson, by a member (according to § 2 KTS Rules), usually one week before the meeting.

  3. The provisional agenda is to be sent with the invitation. This is drawn up by the body that also carries out the invitation.

  4. The invitation may be sent in electronic form.

§ 3 – Quorum

  1. The Assembly of Delegates shall constitute a quorum if the meeting has been duly convened and more than half of the ordinary members (according to § 2 KTS Rules) are represented by at least one delegate.

  2. The quorum must be established at the beginning of each meeting of the Delegates Assembly. It must be verified upon request.

  3. If the Assembly of Delegates is not quorate at a meeting or if the Assembly of Delegates loses its quorum before the agenda has been completed, the meeting shall be closed.

  4. At the next meeting, the Assembly of Delegates is quorate with regard to unfinished agenda items regardless of the number of votes present. This must be expressly stated in the invitation to the meeting.

§ 4 – Public

  1. The Assembly of Delegates meets in public. In the following cases, the Assembly of Delegates may exclude the public from the meeting, including all guests and secondary delegates without voting rights, if

    1. legal provisions make this necessary,

    2. this is necessary to protect personal rights, in particular when personnel issues are involved,

    3. a delegate of a member of the Assembly of Delegates submits a corresponding motion and the Assembly of Delegates approves the motion by a two-thirds majority.

  2. Further or deviating participation rights from other regulations remain unaffected. Persons who are excluded by the above regulations may be consulted by resolution of the delegates’ meeting with a simple majority if this is necessary for the respective decision.

  3. The main and secondary delegates of the KTS and guests are bound to secrecy with regard to statements made during the exclusion of the public.

§ 5 – Guests

  1. Guests generally have the right to speak. A guest’s right to speak may be revoked if a delegate submits a motion to revoke the right to speak and the Assembly of Delegates approves the motion by a two-thirds majority.

  2. A guest may be excluded by the Assembly of Delegates if a delegate submits a motion to exclude the guest and the Assembly of Delegates approves the motion by a two-thirds majority.

§ 6 – Powers of the spokespersons (for urgent decisions)

  1. The spokespersons of the KTS may represent it externally in terms of content. In doing so, they must keep the interests of all members of the KTS in mind so that individual members or interest groups are not taken advantage of.

  2. If it is not possible to discuss a substantive topic in a delegates’ meeting, the spokespersons may make decisions in consultation with each other. The decisions and measures taken must be discussed at the next meeting. If the Assembly of Delegates speaks out against the decisions made, immediate measures must be taken to reverse them as comprehensively as possible.

§ 7 – Voting Procedures and Resolutions

  1. As a rule, the Assembly of Delegates votes openly. A maximum of two delegates of an ordinary or associate member of the KTS (in accordance with § 2 KTS Rules) have the right to vote. Any delegate may request a secret ballot; this request must be granted.

  2. The Assembly of Delegates passes its resolutions with a simple majority of the voting delegates of the members present.

  3. Notwithstanding paragraph 2, resolutions on the admission of a member in accordance with § 2 KTS Rules are passed by an absolute majority.

  4. Special provisions regarding the voting procedure for elections are set out in the election regulations.

  5. Resolutions may be passed by circulation. The minimum voting period of 48 hours must be observed.

§ 8 – Minutes and publication of meeting results

  1. The procedure for taking minutes is determined at the beginning of the Delegates’ Meeting. A person must be appointed to ensure that the minutes are kept.

  2. The minutes are sent to all members and their delegates. They are also published on the website.

§ 9 – Circular Voting Procedure

  1. Circular votes are limited to resolutions beyond personnel decisions by the voting delegates of the members of the KTS.

  2. Circular votes may only be carried out after sufficient justification to the spokespersons, the existence of a clear voting text and subsequent approval by the spokespersons.

  3. The spokespersons are responsible for the implementation. They must conduct the circular vote no later than two days after approval. The duration of the vote may not exceed seven weekdays.

  4. The vote must be conducted by email or post and clearly marked as such. The corresponding text contains the exact wording and the subject of the vote, the voting options, the start, end and duration of the voting period. If a circular vote is carried out by post, the duration of the circular vote shall apply from receipt of the letter. The start and end dates are postponed accordingly.

  5. In the case of a circular vote by e-mail, the addressees must be explicitly instructed to reply to the e-mail in question, using the voting text, with their full name and a clear declaration of intent, for example by replying directly to the e-mail received for the ballot using an e-mail address that can be clearly assigned to the person. Votes that are not unambiguous or cannot be assigned are invalid.

  6. A circular vote fails if more than half of the votes cast are invalid, abstentions or votes against.

  7. Each member of the Assembly of Delegates has two possible votes, which are to be cast by the member’s main delegates. If one or both main delegates of a member do not vote, votes cast by the secondary delegates of the member in question may be counted as votes. If more secondary delegates cast a vote than the member has free votes due to the non-voting of a primary delegate, all votes cast by the secondary delegates are invalid.

§ 10 – Entry into Force

The Rules of Procedure shall enter into force on the day after the resolution in the Assembly of Delegates and shall be sent in their new form to all members (in accordance § 2 KTS Rules) and their delegates.