Internal Funding Guideline


This is a translation of the original text. Only the German version of this regulation is legally binding.

Part 1: Procedure of an internal financial request

  1. In principle, a project application must be submitted before the project begins.

  2. The body of the student body or the corresponding student council must pass a resolution with the absolute majority of its directly elected members.

  3. For bodies which are not directly elected, the majority of those present shall apply.

  4. This project application must be submitted to the Finance Department at, stating the project name, period, person responsible, the item breakdown (budget), a description of the project that is generally comprehensible to third parties, and the corresponding protocol link for voting and discussion. The protocol and the project description are to be so detailed that, among other things, the internal audit or the State Audit Office would be able to understand what kind of project it is and to what extent the project is in the interest of the student body / faculty and the tasks of the student body according to the Thuringian University Act. If possible, calculations should be documented.

  5. The project application must be submitted at least 72 hours before the next regular Stura meeting. The project application should be submitted at least one week before the next regular Stura meeting. In urgent exceptional cases, the deadlines can be shortened with justification and only in consultation with the Finance Department.

  6. The regulations referred to in No. 5 do not oblige the Finance Unit to carry out a final audit of the project within the specified deadlines.

  7. The deadlines specified in No. 5 apply exclusively to the lecture period.

  8. In the lecture-free period, the deadlines are set individually by the Finance Department.

  9. The Finance Department, represented by the (deputy) budget officer, is commissioned to carry out the audit in accordance with §4 ThürStudFVO.

  10. If there are any queries to the applicant during the audit, they are required to provide adequate feedback to the Finance Unit within one week during the lecture period.

  11. If the test is concluded with a negative result, the application is considered rejected and may have to be improved.

  12. If the review is completed with a positive result, the (deputy) budget officer shall bring the project application with a proposed resolution in accordance with these guidelines to the Stura meeting in an appropriate manner. Comments, specifics as well as concerns of the (deputy) budget officer shall be attached to the proposed resolution.

  13. If the Stura comes to a negative result with applications which fall under § 7, the regulation from No. 11 takes effect at this point.

  14. If the StuRa reaches a positive result for motions that fall under § 7, the motion is considered accepted. After publication of the minutes, the (deputy) budget officer shall attach the resolution number. With the entry of the resolution number, project expenditures can be made.

Part 2: Eligible projects and Projektbestandteile

§ 1 General

In accordance with the Thuringian Higher Education Act and the ThürStudFVO, the principles of economic efficiency and economy must be applied. Accordingly, calculations and comparative offers are to be taken into account. It is possible to deviate from the most favorable alternative if this results in a greater advantage for the student body or faculty, such as longer durability or usability. In addition, ecologically justifiable alternatives should be found.

§ 2 Consumables

Consumables may be approved for internal purposes with a corresponding vote and resolution of the body of the student body or the student representative bodies up to an amount of 150 EUR without proclamation or additional application in the Stura (cf. § 11 Financial Regulations). The StuRa must be informed about this at the next regular meeting.

§ 3 Office supplies

The Finance Department may approve office supplies for the fulfillment of the daily business of a body of the student body or the student council up to a value of 50 EUR without further Stura resolution or a proclamation by the AGM. Office needs can be reported to the Finance Department once a semester. A resolution of the respective body should be available for this.

§ 4 Travel expenses

A. Travel expenses

Travel expenses may be reimbursed provided that the vehicle owner or the person responsible for the project submits an application to the Finance Unit three days before the start of the project. The vehicle owner or driver must be named in the project description. Travel costs incurred through the use of private vehicles can generally only be reimbursed with a mileage allowance of up to 17 Ct/km + 0.2 Ct/km for each passenger, which covers fuel costs and all other wear and tear on the vehicle. In justified exceptional cases, the person responsible for the budget may agree to deviations, but must announce this at the next regular StuRa meeting.

B. Meal allowance

For internal projects whose execution is further than 25 km travel distance on the shortest possible route from Ilmenau or the home town (e.g. 1st and 2nd residence) of the participants, a lump sum for lunch and dinner can be applied for in the total amount of 10 EUR per day. In order to make his/her claim, the applicant must credibly declare that the catering cannot be fully covered by the event or other circumstances. Proportionate catering by the organizer must be deducted from the lump sum. If the arrival starts after 12 o’clock, the claim will be reduced by 5 Euro on this day. If the departure ends before 6 pm, the claim will be reduced by 5 euros on that day.

C. BahnCard

Privately purchased Bahncards can be funded retroactively if the applicant can prove that retroactive funding of the member’s Bahncard is cost-neutral or financially beneficial to the Student Council. Proof of the money saved as well as proof of purchase of the Bahncard must be submitted in text form to the Finance Department within one semester of losing student status at the TU Ilmenau at the latest. Invoices/purchase receipts and comparative offers are to be submitted as proof. The applicant must have been a member of one of the bodies of the student body or the student council.

D. Deutschlandticket

Privately purchased Deutschlandtickets can be funded retroactively if the applicant can prove that retroactive funding of the member’s Deutschlandticket is cost-neutral or financially beneficial to the Student Council. Partial funding in the amount of the costs that would have been eligible for funding if the member had only used the means of transportation that can be used with the Deutschlandticket by purchasing a regular ticket is possible. In this case, only the costs for the part of the route that cannot be used with the thoska are subsidized. Proof of the money saved as well as proof of purchase of the Deutschlandticket must be submitted in text form to the Finance Department within one semester at the latest after the loss of student status at the TU Ilmenau. Invoices/purchase receipts and comparative offers are to be submitted as evidence. The applicant must have been a member of one of the bodies of the student body or the student council.

§ 5 Committee clothing

A. General

Elected members of the Student Council, the Student Advisory Council and the Student Representative Councils may have an item of clothing with the imprint of their body sponsored with a maximum value of €30. If the price is below this budget, the difference is forfeited. If a more expensive piece of clothing is chosen, the respective committee member must make his or her own additional payment. If several items of clothing are ordered, the sponsorship always applies to the most expensive item of clothing. The respective committee determines the imprint and the clothing brand. For active members of the bodies of the student body and the student council, these regulations are to be applied analogously if the respective body passes a resolution for the respective members to be benefited by name. Each person can only apply this regulation once per committee and legislature. The funding must be applied for at the Finance Department according to the rules from Part 1.

B. Own contributions

For each order of committee clothing, a list of the orders per person is to be provided to the Finance Department. The listing (in the form of a digital table) must contain the following information per person: Garments, first and last name, price per garment and print incl. VAT and amount of personal contribution.

C. Special regulation tutor clothing

For the clothing of the tutors of the ErstiWoche, a maximum value of 20 EUR is supported in deviation from sentence 1.

§ 6 Resolutions up to and including 250 €

The (deputy) budget officers are authorized to approve requests of up to and including 250 EUR from student body organs or student representative bodies. The application must be submitted to the Finance Department in accordance with Part 1. The (deputy) budget officers shall announce this decision at the next possible Sutra meeting.

§ 7 Resolutions over 250 €

For internal projects whose budget exceeds 250 EUR, a vote and a resolution of the Stura is necessary in addition to the vote and resolution of the respective committee. The required majorities result from §§11 Ab. 2 i.V.m. 5 Abs. 4 of the financial regulations of the student body.

§ 8 Current costs

For projects which generate ongoing costs, three comparative offers are to be obtained before commencement, if possible, and dealt with in accordance with §7. The costs are to be included in the budget of the following financial year.

§ 9 Weitere Anträge

The StuRa may conditionally approve financial applications without prior review by the Finance Department. Only with the examination and a positive result by the Finance Department represented by the (deputy) budget officer is the application accepted. In case of rejection, the StuRa has to be informed at the next regular meeting.

Part 3: Ineligible projects and project components

§ 10 Not eligible

The following objects are not eligible for funding according to the requirements of the ThürHG as well as the state audit office and the internal audit of the TU Ilmenau:

  • Alcohol in large quantities

  • hard alcohol (everything that does not fall under § 9 (1) JuSchG; e.g. spirits etc.) generally

  • Drugs, tobacco, etc.

  • Deposit

  • Food in large quantities

  • Weapons

  • Vouchers

  • Expense allowances

§ 11 limited eligible

The following items are to be avoided, to be (partially) refinanced by income or own contributions, or to be substituted by existing resources in the StuRa or in the student councils:

  • Alcohol in small quantities

  • Food in small quantities

  • Disposable cutlery, cups, plates, etc.

  • Environmental damage caused by projects, acquisitions and follow-up effects of these

  • Items that already exist in a similar form at the StuRa or the faculty student councils

  • Gifts up to 5 EUR

Part 4: Settlements

  1. The statement(s) of account for a project may be submitted with project approval no later than six months after the end of the project period.

  2. After full settlement, the project is to be closed by the project manager.

  3. The statement of account must be submitted by the project officer or a representative.

  4. Receipts are to be created under in the corresponding project by the person responsible for the project, submitted (status change), printed out, signed and submitted on paper with the corresponding original receipts to the Finance Department in the StuRa office.

  5. Invoices that are to be taken over directly by the Stura must be deposited and submitted in the system no later than 4 days after receipt.

  6. Receipts can be invoices, in accordance with legal requirements, and cash receipts. Own receipts are generally only permissible for calculations.

  7. The Finance Department checks the accounting for factual and mathematical correctness. Should there be any queries to the applicant during the check, he/she is required to provide adequate feedback to the Finance Department within one week during the lecture period.

  8. If the review is concluded with a negative result, the application is considered rejected and may have to be improved. In this case, no payment can be made.

  9. If the test is completed with a positive result, the amount will be transferred to the specified Koto after submission and verification of the written paper documents.

  10. The Finance Department is authorized to grant an approval of the increase of the project budget by not more than 10% of the total amount or not more than 10,- EUR in the name of the Student Council, if this means that the core of the project remains unchanged.

  11. Cash deposits and withdrawals are to be avoided.

Part 5: Entry into force

  1. The internal funding guideline will come into force as of 10.11.2021 by resolution no. 31/15-O01 of the Student Council of the TU Ilmenau of 10.11.2021. All previously valid StuRa resolutions concerning the topics listed above will be invalidated when the internal funding guideline comes into force.

    Transitional provision: All projects approved before the effective date are subject to the previously applicable provisions until their completion. However, the internal funding guideline must already be applied to any resulting settlements.

  2. The first amendment version of this guideline comes into force with resolution 32/35-O01 of the StuRa of 22.02.2023.